Book Workshop

The Paper Theatre dates back to the early 1800s when printed versions were sold outside theatres or made by children at home and used to re-create popular stories of the day.

Mike and Beth of Purple Capsicum Puppets bring everything your children will need to create their very own Paper Theatre; but making it is only half the fun. Once made, children get to use their creation to tell their own story.

With the help of a mini 12 volt lighting rig and a slightly larger mini theatre, complete with mini curtains for a dramatic reveal, each paper theatre’s short story is told. This hour and a half of craft and show and tell, gives children the opportunity to create something for themselves and bring it to life.

Purple Capsicum Puppets was formed in 2008 by Artists Michael Bevitt & Beth McMahon. Michael has performed at Woodford Folk Festival, UNIMA International Congress & the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Beth has studied physical theatre and scenography in Paris and has a Masters in Puppetry. In 2010 & 2011 they ran a series of children’s workshops as part of the Victorian ‘Black Saturday’ bushfire recovery project. Over the past ten years they have toured schools Australia wide with their shows.

Price: $440.00 (GST Included) for up to 40 Students. Additional children $11.00 per child.

Suitable: for Children aged between 7 to 12 years old.

You will need to have work tables set up, enough room for all participants to work at and a chair for each participant.

Maximum number of participants: 60 Students. If you have more than 60 children then Mike and Beth will do 2 sessions, one after the other, at $11.00 per child.

Mike and Beth will bring all paper, sticky tape, scissors, staplers, glue and texta pens.