Curriculum Relevance:

English: Literary Texts, Imaginative Texts, Language Structures & Features, Verse, Rhyming Poems, Nonsense Poems.

Poetry all dressed up and ready to go!

Pass The Poetry Please

Pass the Poetry Please is not a poetry reading, it’s a lively, totally engaging, visually rich theatre experience. Each one of these very different characters has their own style and pace when it comes to delivering poetry. The Geebung Polo Club definitely has its own unique style of playing the sport. Old Mother Hubbard steps out of her cupboard to breathe new life into a number of old classics and Cow tells what it is like to be a cow.

Poems are recited as string games are played, creating in string the topic of the poem. In the minute it takes to tell the poem of Terrence the Pterodactyl, a cool pterodactyl is made from a single sheet of paper. This newly created 145 million year old flying lizard is finished just in time to recite the last lines of the poem from his own moving lips before being given to a student. To encourage children to try their hand at origami, the head of a very snappy velociraptor is made and also given away.

The poetry reciting magician is always a hit. Four separate scarves are mysteriously joined into one large scarf while other objects appear, disappear and change shape or size.

Although there are a couple of scary and sad poems the emphasis is on having fun with words. Students are encouraged to create their own limericks and the concept and fun of spoonerisms is explained and acted out on stage with the participation of costumed volunteers.

Pass the Poetry Please skilfully combines poems past, present, fast, slow, funny and sad with costumed characters and baffling illusions in this colourful energetic performance that engages and stretches the imagination.

What schools have said:

Well done on lots of variety. Puppets helped the young ones to stay focused.

Ruth Allan. K-6. Salmon Gums Primary School. WA.

Very enjoyable fast paced and energetic. Students enjoyed the performance. Excellent.

Mark Gledhill. K-6. Allanson Primary School. WA.

A very entertaining show that brought poetry to life for the students and adults in the audience. Catered nicely for all year levels and was enjoyed from start to finish with a variety of books (puppets, dress ups, audience participation).

Anne Gilbert. K/Preps to Year 6. Dunkeld Consolidated School. Dunkeld. VIC.

Pass The Poetry Please

Price: $6.00 per student ($5.45 + $0.55 GST).

Suitable: Preps, K to Year 7.

Minimum Audience Size: 130 students.

Times: Performance 50 minutes duration. Set up: 45 minutes. Pack up: 45 minutes.

Requires an indoor performing area 4m deep x 6m wide.

Pass The Poetry Please