He embodied multiculturalism
I strongly recommend he visit your students - he is a total gem - inspiration to young listeners
Taught us his strategies on dealing with bullying and discrimination
Best performance I’ve seen
See full comments below
Curriculum Relevance: Poetry.
Zohab Zee Khan totally engrosses his audience for the entire 50 minutes with this physical, energetic, straight from the heart performance. His combination of slam poetry, rap, didgeridoo and harmonica playing, beat-boxing and percussion along with his combination of audience participation and freestyle improvisation makes this a very unique, contemporary theatre experience.
With the incorporation of self-development techniques aka brain hacking, spoken-word poetry becomes not just a platform for self-expression but also a platform to inspire change. A 4th generation Australian of Pakistani heritage, he grew up in rural NSW and draws from his distinct life experiences to create his stories with the intent to educate. Zohab confronts a range of social justice issues from racism to gender inequality and socio-economic disparity.
Accompanied by music and rhythm, this compelling raconteur with his invigorating words and boundless energy, continually inspires.
In performance, he prowls and growls and hisses and grins, bends his body like a coat-hanger into various unlikely shapes, and seems to live his poems through his limbs.
Mark Dapin. Journalist. Sydney Morning Herald.
Generally when teachers say you have to go to a performance you often expect it to be boring, but this is the best performance I’ve seen.
Chanel. Year 9. Kinross Wolaroi School. Orange. NSW.
I strongly recommend he visit your students to share his uplifting and positive art as well as gracious, generous personality. He is a total gem, and of particular inspiration to young listeners who may view poetry in a jaded way.
Janet Haigh. Saint Maur International School. Yokohama. Japan.
Zohab was FANTASTIC…the students were enthralled by his performance.
Roz Chamberlain. Newcastle Grammar School. NSW.
He embodied multiculturalism and used its value as a theme.
Douglas Glenn. Suzhou Singapore International School. Suzhou. China.
Zohab Zee Khan has little in common with the dead white male poets students commonly meet at high school … he delivers his lines with the rhythm and physicality of a rapper.
Sydney Morning Herald.
Thank you for the amazing job you did teaching me and my peers. We are so lucky to have been taught by such a great poet.
Year 9 Student. Xavier High School. Albury. NSW.
I believe his performance was best suited to my age group, as we are all going through changes and are starting to make our own decisions and opinions on the people and world around us. He also taught us his strategies on dealing with bullying and discrimination.
Michael. Year 8. Nanjing International School. Nanjing. China.
The students and staff TOTALLY enjoyed Zohab!!! Thank you so very much! I've had 6 Year 6 boys come asking for poetry books and reading 'prose' novels - where the whole novel is a poem. Sensational result!
Lea Tracy Horan. Teacher. Tacking Point Public School Port Macquarie. NSW.
He was fantastic - really strong messages and a good performance. He engaged our students, particularly the boys, in poetry.
Darryl Meredith. West Wyalong High School. NSW.
Price: $6.50 per student (No GST).
Suitable: Years 7 to 12.
Minimum Audience Size: 150 students.
Times: Show: 50 minutes. Set up: 15 minutes. Pack up: 15 minutes.
Requires: an indoor performing area 4m deep x 5m wide.